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Some people call us the Hidden Gem on Lake Ida. We agree! With a beautiful scenic lakefront location, an entertaining lineup of shows, free parking and a loyal subscriber base, Delray Beach Playhouse has claimed its rightful place as a treasured cultural icon in the community. 


Despite all of its successes, there are still significant challenges that the Playhouse faces as it seeks to expand its entertainment offerings and increase revenues - a short season (currently November - April), underutilized assets, an aging subscriber base and limited space to accommodate the need for additional staff and performers' areas.


In an effort to grow Playhouse revenues in the future, Executive Director Kevin Barrett has proposed a bold and comprehensive plan that includes expansion of the Playhouse facilities and improvement of selected areas of the building. It is projected that this plan will position the Playhouse to present additional events and performances in the future that would be difficult or impossible to present in the current facility and significantly increase the revenue base.


To see a detailed presentation of A Vision for Future, click here.



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